
+90 (532) 360 56 47


+90 (544) 249 36 36

Federal number

+90 0850 259 56 47

What Is The IVF Process step by step?

1 st day of the cycle: First visit to the doctor. Carrying out required initial tests if that had not been done
earlier. Discussing the treatment plan with the doctor.

2 nd day of the cycle: Start of ovarian stimulation. Blood tests for a woman. Ultrasound.
Between 3d and 14th days of the cycle: Visits to doctor every 2-4 days. Blood tests for a woman.

14th or 15th day of the cycle: Egg retrieval under anesthesia.
Between the 15th and 20th days of the cycle: Embryology work.

Fresh Embryo Transfer will be done between the 17th and 20th days of the cycle: Embryo transfer (depends
on the maturity of the embryo). 14 days later a pregnancy test is performed.

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)

After egg retrieval, the patient returns home and waits 1-2 months. This technique is called freeze-all
and is applied in order for the uterus to come back to its normal state and be prepared for embryo
transfer. Also, the embryo genetic screening can be performed during this period.

The month the patient is allowed to have embryo transfer by the doctor, on the 2nd day of cycle the
patient starts taking medication (estrofem, coraspin, vitamins – all prescribed by the doctor). 14th day of
cycle the patient must be present at the clinic for examination. Between 17th and 20th days of the cycle:
Embryo transfer (depends on the maturity of the embryo). 14 days later a pregnancy test is performed.
