Orthopedics and traumatology
How To Apply?
Write to us in What's App your question what you need:
Treatment, diagnosis, surgery.
What’s App chat
Specify the information:
Your age, whether you have allergic reactions to medicines, how long ago you had the last surgical intervention
Answer the questions:
After that, we will ask you some additional questions that you will need to answer.
Viewing suggestion:
After that, you will receive an offer from us, which will indicate in detail the entire course of treatment for you, the total number of days of treatment, the cost.
Preparing for the meeting:
You need to inform us 2-3 days in advance about your visit to Istanbul. This is the time to prepare for our meeting.
Frequently Asked Questions
Until what age do we provide services?
We have no age restrictions. Health is a constant that needs to be monitored. Therefore, we accept patients from 0 to unlimited age
If I don't speak Turkish?
We provide a full range of services: all transfers, hotel or apartment reservations, all expenses for the operation, we provide your support and an interpreter and we will be in touch 24/7
Do you need any recommendations to come to us for treatment?
No referrals are required, you can just come to us with your complaints and we will fix everything! It is only important for us to know the results of examinations, tests and medical history that you already have it.
Submit an inquiry
Write to us about your problem. If you need medical help, please contact us medassist@medassist.com.tr
NP Brain clinic
Full Time
All ages

The direction of orthopedics and traumatology is an industry that is developing at the speed of light, both conceptually and colossal changes and expansions are taking place within the framework of developing technologies and modern science.
The Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology deals with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The bones of the arms, legs, pelvis and spine damaged to varying degrees, as well as all joints, muscles, and connecting tissues in the body from the skull to the tips of the toenails; (nerve, spinal cord, vein) belong to this direction. Although the main area of traumatology is not vascular diseases, but in practice it is a standard situation that trauma surgeons always face. Therefore, in the classical version, doctors practicing in this area of medicine know well and apply their knowledge in work and during operations.
In case of injury, emergency care and treatment by a traumatologist is often extremely necessary. Each of our orthopedic surgeon has knowledge and experience in the field of traumatology, as well as equipment for general surgery.
Orthopedics and traumatology have been divided into many sub-sectors in accordance with the developing technologies and scaling of the industry in recent years.