Dentistry / Pediatric Dentistry
How To Apply?
Write to us in What's App your question what you need:
Treatment, diagnosis, surgery.
What’s App chat
Specify the information:
Your age, whether you have allergic reactions to medicines, how long ago you had the last surgical intervention
Answer the questions:
After that, we will ask you some additional questions that you will need to answer.
Viewing suggestion:
After that, you will receive an offer from us, which will indicate in detail the entire course of treatment for you, the total number of days of treatment, the cost.
Preparing for the meeting:
You need to inform us 2-3 days in advance about your visit to Istanbul. This is the time to prepare for our meeting.
Frequently Asked Questions
Until what age do we provide services?
We have no age restrictions. Health is a constant that needs to be monitored. Therefore, we accept patients from 0 to unlimited age
If I don't speak Turkish?
We provide a full range of services: all transfers, hotel or apartment reservations, all expenses for the operation, we provide your support and an interpreter and we will be in touch 24/7
Do you need any recommendations to come to us for treatment?
No referrals are required, you can just come to us with your complaints and we will fix everything! It is only important for us to know the results of examinations, tests and medical history that you already have it.
Submit an inquiry
Write to us about your problem. If you need medical help, please contact us
Full Time
All ages
Did you know that diseases of the teeth and gums are visible signals of the body about the symptoms of systematic diseases? This fact is recognized by medicine all over the world. Bad breath and bad appearance of teeth lead to loss of self-confidence. Tooth extraction is not only a problem in aesthetic terms, but it will affect the balance in the whole body. Starting from childhood and throughout our lives, we must take care of the health of the oral cavity and teeth.
There are many types and methods when it comes to dental care, especially when it comes to dental implants. In each person, the oral cavity and structure of the jawbone are different. It is important to find a hospital or clinic that best suits your needs. A dental implant is a surgical procedure that interacts with the jaw bone/skull to support a dental prosthesis. Dental implants are essentially root replacement of teeth. With dental implants, you support one or more dentures. If the lower or upper jawbone is not deformed, the implantation process is performed relatively easily and in less time. However, most often patients delay treatment due to atrophy, that is, disturbances in the formation of the jaw. This requires the installation of a healthy implant. Subperio-steal mandibular or maxillary implants manufactured with AMSJI and 3D titanium printer provide clear treatment for patients with Cawood & Howell class V-VIII bone atrophy.
There are two types of implants: endo-theft and subperio-theft. If your jaw bone is not good enough to support implants, you have other options such as bone enlargement, nose tip tightening or back extension. Our clinics usually use Swiss, German and South Korean-made implants and we provide a lifetime warranty for use. The availability of good equipment in clinics, as well as the experience of the doctor performing the procedures, and the availability of a good laboratory working system are inevitable conditions for the success of dental procedures.
To find out the exact cost of implants, you need to see a specialist. Just send a clear panoramic X-ray image of the teeth. Our specialists will prepare and provide you with a medical procedure, answer all your questions.
MedAssist has exclusive agreements with leading dental clinics, leading dentists and internationally recognized dental hospitals in Istanbul. Our medical consultants not only give their professional opinion, but are also present in the planning of dental aesthetics. You may and will have questions during and after dental procedures and MedAssist will be with care and love with you 24/7.
Currently, there are a lot of options for treating the oral cavity and teeth.
– Surgery of the oral cavity, teeth and maxillofacial area
– Radiology of the oral cavity, teeth and jaw
– Endodontics
– Orthodontics
– Pedodontics
– Periodontology
– Prosthetics Of Teeth
– Restorative Dental Treatment.
When treating the oral cavity and teeth, it is extremely important to use the latest technologies and products of the highest quality. The importance this will give to your dental health will give you a healthy mouth structure and a happy smile. We are ready to provide it to you with the help of the best group of doctors we know and the highest quality materials.