
+90 (532) 360 56 47


+90 (544) 249 36 36

Federal number

+90 0850 259 56 47

Medical Tourism Companies in Istanbul

When you decide to travel abroad or to another country for getting a treatment, you become a medical tourist. There are many reasons to become a medical tourist but the most common ones are:

• If your country of residence does not have the specific treatment you need
• If the treatment you need or want is too expensive or not affordable at your country of residence
• If desired service level at medical treatment facilities are better at alternatives

For Turkey, all boxes check and that is why Turkey is one of the leading countries for medical tourists to seek treatment. Turkey, especially Istanbul has internationally recognized and awarded hospitals with very successful doctors. The technology is very high, robotic treatments are offered, medical staff is very professional and Turkey is very affordable. There are also medical tourism companies that plan a medical tourist’s trip from finding the right hospital and doctor to arrange their accommodation and transportation.

Dental implants, obesity surgeries, IVF, oncologic treatments, plastic and cosmetic surgeries are some of the different areas of medicine Istanbul hospitals and clinics are excellent at. When there are so many options and one center is best at one area and the other is better at another medical area, medical tourism companies and professional medical tourism consultants become very important.

At MedAssist, we listen to you, understand your needs and direct you to the best hospital or clinic or doctor of your needs. In Istanbul there are very special doctors who are highly skilled and internationally recognized. They specialize in different solutions and you can call them “best” at different areas. MedAssist works with all the best clinics and hospitals and our medical consultant team operates 7/24.
