
+90 (532) 360 56 47


+90 (544) 249 36 36

Federal number

+90 0850 259 56 47

Лучшие клиники по пересадке органов в Стамбуле

Трансплантация органов is a very crucial surgical process of transferring a donated organ to someone who is diagnosed with an organ failure. In order to have the transplant, you will need an eligible organ. To find the matching donor, there will be lots of examinations and test. Therefore, it is important for you to find the right clinic.

Many of our patients start by asking for the best organ transplantation clinic but the most important thing is for you to have a best friend along your medical journey instead of a single address. MedAssist becomes that best friend that brings the best answer to each question. It is an advantage to know all the clinics and hospitals because our team knows how doctors operate, where they are best and how they will help you. You need the best advisor to get to the best treatment and as MedAssist, we provide you that.
